Melissa Yancy — Fiction


Talking empathy, day jobs, parenthood and Portland at Between the Covers podcast at KBOO.

Auntie Mame, rare disease, and kidney chains at Prosody radio.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Zadie Smith, Michael Cunningham and bad graduate programs at Otherppl podcast.

The creative pressures of L.A. life with Andrew Tonkovich at KPFK’s Bibliocracy.

A slightly mortifying recording of my book launch on the Skylight podcast.


Professing my affection for curmudgeons with Anne Ryles in The Rumpus interview.

Trying hard not to talk politics with Luke Goebel at the Tin House blog.

Synchronicity, extreme life experiences, epiphanies, the nature of stories, and how we know when to let go at Interview Magazine.

Dancer, rapper, sommelier/winemaker, economist, real estate agent, interior designer, theologian, political speechwriter, neurologist at the Salon author questionnaire.

Modern day Clark Kent at Pitt News.

Hobnobbing with donors and more at Pittsburgh Tribune.

My long apprenticeship at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.


Finding the upside of failure at the Glimmer Train Bulletin.

Intimidation as inspiration at Poets & Writers.

Peanut butter and jelly tattoo at Howlarium.

The five pieces that got me through maternity leave at Electric Literature.

Margo Guryan, Quasi, Flaming Lips and more: A Dog Years playlist at Largehearted Boy.


Characters in conflict with themselves, a review by Corey Campbell at Waxwing.

Slightly freakish yet starkly realistic, a review at the Star Tribune.

Medicine without the Macabre, a review by Amber Sparks at Electric Literature.

Delightful and infuriatingly human characters at Kirkus Reviews.

The “backstage of the betterment industry” at Publishers Weekly.

Humanity and adversity at Pittsburgh Quarterly.

Perfect first lines at Ploughshares Blog.

A story every day by Mike C at Story 366.

Sneak lines and sizzlers at The Brooklyn Rail.


Visiting the alma mater.

Dog Years on Entropy’s best fiction of 2016 list.

Dog Years selected for 35 debuts of writers over (gulp) 35.

October 2016 Book Preview at Vol. 1 Brooklyn.


A Jewish Self-Help Guru in East Los Angeles–a reprint of “The Program” at Joyland Magazine.

A reprint of “Hounds” at Lit Hub.


Fellowship or scam at NEA Writers Corner

Listen: bad things are going to happen

It’s a sophisticated algorithm

I’d like to be the ultimate grand supreme

If you can’t write, lower your standards

Pain has to be one of the hardest working words in the language
